
Hacker News 简讯 2021-02-28

2021-02-28 00:01:19 HackerNews

最后更新时间: 2021-02-28 23:00

  1. Actually Portable Executables - (ahgamut.github.io)
    实际上是可移植的可执行文件 [谷歌翻译版]
  2. Gradient-Free-Optimizers A collection of modern optimization methods in Python - (github.com/simonblanke)
    无梯度优化器Python中的一组现代优化方法 [谷歌翻译版]
  3. Signal Desktop is corrupting its database - (github.com/signalapp)
    信号桌面正在破坏它的数据库 [谷歌翻译版]
  4. Notes on the Slate Star Codex Controversy - (scholars-stage.blogspot.com)
    关于石板星法典争议的注释 [谷歌翻译版]
  5. Spaceprob.es catalogues all the probes that still communicate with Earth - (spaceprob.es)
    太空探测器对所有仍与地球通信的探测器进行编目 [谷歌翻译版]
  6. Hunting two PDP-1 photos (which are not what they seem) - (masswerk.at)
    寻找两张PDP-1照片(它们看起来不一样) [谷歌翻译版]
  7. Universal Radio Hacker: Investigate Wireless Protocols Like a Boss - (github.com/jopohl)
    通用无线电黑客:像老板一样调查无线协议 [谷歌翻译版]
  8. Ancient Babylonian Algorithms: The Earliest Programs - (historyofinformation.com)
    古巴比伦算法:最早的程序 [谷歌翻译版]
  9. Facebook Execs Silenced an Enemy of Turkey to Prevent a Hit to the Company - (propublica.org)
    Facebook的高管们压制了土耳其的一个敌人,以防止公司受到打击 [谷歌翻译版]
  10. How fighting games use delay-based and rollback netcode (2019) - (infil.net)
    格斗游戏如何使用基于延迟和回滚的网络代码(2019) [谷歌翻译版]
  11. Updating “101 Basic Computer Games” for 2021 - (codinghorror.com)
    更新2021年“101基础电脑游戏” [谷歌翻译版]
  12. Tesorio Is Hiring Senior PMs and Senior Engineers – join our distributed fintech team - (tesorio.com)
    Tesorio正在招聘高级PM和高级工程师-加入我们的分布式fintech团队 [谷歌翻译版]
  13. A 'Lamborghini' of Chariots Is Discovered at Pompeii - (npr.org)
    庞贝城发现了一辆“兰博基尼”战车 [谷歌翻译版]
  14. TLD Graveyard - (caida.org)
  15. New Bone Cell Type Identified - (genengnews.com)
    新骨细胞类型鉴定 [谷歌翻译版]
  16. A new chapter – full-time working from a van in a forest - (ghuntley.com)
    新篇章——在森林里的货车上全职工作 [谷歌翻译版]
  17. Apollo in Real Time – A journey through the Apollo missions - (apolloinrealtime.org)
    实时阿波罗-阿波罗任务之旅 [谷歌翻译版]
  18. Facebook Just Admitted It Has Lost the Battle with Apple over Privacy - (inc.com)
    Facebook刚刚承认,它在与苹果的隐私之争中输了 [谷歌翻译版]
  19. In Defense of Myers Briggs (2020) - (dynomight.home.blog)
    为迈尔斯·布里格斯辩护(2020) [谷歌翻译版]
  20. The gently competitive world of giant vegetable growing - (atlasobscura.com)
    竞争激烈的巨型蔬菜种植世界 [谷歌翻译版]
  21. Visualization of Wittgenstein's Tractatus logico-philosophicus - (pbellon.github.io)
    维特根斯坦逻辑哲学思想的可视化 [谷歌翻译版]
  22. The GPU Sadness Index: Tracking eBay Pricing - (tomshardware.com)
    GPU悲伤指数:追踪eBay定价 [谷歌翻译版]
  23. In Defense of Dumb TVs - (frame.work)
    为愚蠢的电视辩护 [谷歌翻译版]
  24. Balloonomania - (wikipedia.org)
  25. Try the new try.haxe - (haxe.org)
    试试新的试试看。哈克斯 [谷歌翻译版]
  26. Ismail al-Jazari – the medieval 'Father of Robotics' - (nationalgeographic.com)
    伊斯梅尔·贾扎里——中世纪“机器人之父” [谷歌翻译版]
  27. Atlantic currents seem to have started fading last century - (arstechnica.com)
    大西洋洋流似乎在上个世纪开始减弱 [谷歌翻译版]
  28. Clubhouse’s security and privacy lag behind its explosive growth - (arstechnica.com)
    会所的安全和隐私落后于其爆炸式增长 [谷歌翻译版]
  29. Norman Golb, Dead Sea Scrolls Contrarian, Is Dead at 92 - (nytimes.com)
    诺曼·戈尔布,死海卷轴反转,享年92岁 [谷歌翻译版]
  30. Show HN: Redbean – Single-file distributable web server - (justine.lol)
    Show HN:Redbean–单文件可分发web服务器 [谷歌翻译版]

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本文由 HiCMS 自动编译,最后更新时间:2021-02-28 23:00