
Hacker News 简讯 2021-06-09

2021-06-09 00:01:25 HackerNews

最后更新时间: 2021-06-09 20:00

  1. Vivaldi 4.0 - (vivaldi.com)
    维瓦尔第4.0 [谷歌翻译版]
  2. Lua-RTOS: a real-time operating system for ESP32 - (github.com/whitecatboard)
    Lua-RTOS:ESP32实时操作系统 [谷歌翻译版]
  3. The pedantic checklist for changing your data model in a web application - (rtpg.co)
    在web应用程序中更改数据模型的迂腐检查表 [谷歌翻译版]
  4. The myth of the driverless tube train - (londonreconnections.com)
    无人驾驶地铁的神话 [谷歌翻译版]
  5. Bosch opens German chip plant - (reuters.com)
    博世开设德国芯片厂 [谷歌翻译版]
  6. novelWriter – open-source plain text editor designed for writing novels - (github.com/vkbo)
    novelWriter–为写小说而设计的开源纯文本编辑器 [谷歌翻译版]
  7. Show HN: Open-source conversational platform and unified messaging APIs - (airy.co)
    Show HN:开源会话平台和统一消息api [谷歌翻译版]
  8. I wrote a linker everyone can understand - (briancallahan.net)
    我写了一个人人都能理解的链接器 [谷歌翻译版]
  9. You Don’t Need Permission - (steveblank.com)
    你不需要许可 [谷歌翻译版]
  10. There’s a new ocean now: The Southern Ocean - (nationalgeographic.com)
    现在有一个新的海洋:南大洋 [谷歌翻译版]
  11. Apple M1 support for TensorFlow 2.5 pluggable device API - (developer.apple.com)
    Apple M1支持TensorFlow 2.5可插拔设备API [谷歌翻译版]
  12. Study shows how taking short breaks may help our brains learn new skills - (nih.gov)
    研究表明,短暂的休息可以帮助我们的大脑学习新技能 [谷歌翻译版]
  13. Fastmail accounts blocked in Russia, here's what we know - (fastmail.blog)
    在俄罗斯被封锁的Fastmail账户,以下是我们所知道的 [谷歌翻译版]
  14. The elephant vanishes: how a circus family went on the run - (theguardian.com)
    大象消失了:马戏团一家如何逃亡 [谷歌翻译版]
  15. Astro: Ship Less JavaScript - (astro.build)
  16. Find software roles 30 startups (including YC) at YC's Job Expo this Thursday - (workatastartup.com)
    本周四,在YC的招聘会上,找到30家初创公司(包括YC)的软件角色 [谷歌翻译版]
  17. The Mother of All ‘Abandoned’ Airports (2015) - (abandonedberlin.com)
    所有“废弃”机场之母(2015) [谷歌翻译版]
  18. Synthetic Messenger: A botnet scheme for climate news - (labr.io)
    合成信使:气候新闻的僵尸网络方案 [谷歌翻译版]
  19. Ohio sues Google, seeks to declare the internet company a public utility - (dispatch.com)
    俄亥俄州起诉谷歌,试图宣布这家互联网公司为公共事业公司 [谷歌翻译版]
  20. Microsoft Patches Six Zero-Day Security Holes - (krebsonsecurity.com)
    微软修补六个零日安全漏洞 [谷歌翻译版]
  21. A Project of One’s Own - (paulgraham.com)
    自己的计划 [谷歌翻译版]
  22. Why I Hate Programming Language Advocacy (2000) - (perl.com)
    为什么我讨厌编程语言宣传(2000) [谷歌翻译版]
  23. Vizh: Visual language that takes image files as input - (github.com/tartanllama)
    以图像文件为输入的视觉语言 [谷歌翻译版]
  24. Engineering a Chess Match - (mbrt.dev)
    策划国际象棋比赛 [谷歌翻译版]
  25. Bending time and space in slow motion - (petapixel.com)
    慢动作中的弯曲时间和空间 [谷歌翻译版]
  26. GPT-J-6B: 6B JAX-Based Transformer - (arankomatsuzaki.wordpress.com)
    GPT-J-6B:6B基于JAX的转换器 [谷歌翻译版]
  27. Embedding Lisp in C++ – A Recipe - (lambdafaktorie.com)
    在C++中嵌入Lisp——一个食谱 [谷歌翻译版]
  28. Trying to study textbooks effectively: a year of experimentation - (lesswrong.com)
    努力有效地学习教科书:一年的实验 [谷歌翻译版]
  29. Introducing chrome.scripting - (chrome.com)
    介绍chrome.scripting [谷歌翻译版]
  30. Design Issues in LLVM IR - (npopov.com)
    LLVM-IR中的设计问题 [谷歌翻译版]

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本文由 HiCMS 自动编译,最后更新时间:2021-06-09 20:00