
Hacker News 简讯 2021-09-13

2021-09-13 00:01:18 HackerNews

最后更新时间: 2021-09-13 22:00

  1. Fortran Web Framework - (fortran.io)
    Fortran Web框架 [谷歌翻译版]
  2. Resource efficient Thread Pools with Zig - (zig.news)
    具有Zig的资源高效线程池 [谷歌翻译版]
  3. Mozilla has defeated Microsoft’s default browser protections in Windows - (theverge.com)
    Mozilla已经击败了微软在Windows中的默认浏览器保护 [谷歌翻译版]
  4. Epiousios - (wikipedia.org)
    埃皮乌西奥斯 [谷歌翻译版]
  5. How We Proved the Eth2 Deposit Contract Is Free of Runtime Errors - (consensys.net)
    我们如何证明Eth2存款合同没有运行时错误 [谷歌翻译版]
  6. Custom Search Engine Built on Searx - (jpreston.xyz)
    基于Searx的定制搜索引擎 [谷歌翻译版]
  7. Why DOS was (and is) a thing (2020) [video] - (youtube.com)
    为什么DOS曾经(现在)是一件事(2020年)[视频] [谷歌翻译版]
  8. Uber must employ its drivers, Dutch court rules - (nltimes.nl)
    荷兰法院规定,优步必须雇用司机 [谷歌翻译版]
  9. Length-Limited Prefix Codes - (stephan-brumme.com)
    长度限制前缀码 [谷歌翻译版]
  10. Rescale (YC W12) Is Hiring Software Engineers - (lever.co)
    Rescale(YC W12)正在招聘软件工程师 [谷歌翻译版]
  11. Ship / Show / Ask: A modern branching strategy - (martinfowler.com)
    Ship/Show/Ask:一种现代分支策略 [谷歌翻译版]
  12. Prison Company Patents VR to Give Inmates Brief Taste of Freedom - (vice.com)
    监狱公司为虚拟现实申请专利,让囚犯短暂体验自由 [谷歌翻译版]
  13. ‘It’s like a puzzle’: experts on piecing together Roman fresco find - (theguardian.com)
    “这就像一个谜”:拼凑罗马壁画的专家发现 [谷歌翻译版]
  14. Usage statistics of server-side programming languages for websites - (w3techs.com)
    网站服务器端编程语言的使用统计 [谷歌翻译版]
  15. Pixie – A full-featured 2D graphics library for Nim - (github.com/treeform)
    Pixie–用于Nim的全功能2D图形库 [谷歌翻译版]
  16. How the pandemic is changing the norms of science - (tabletmag.com)
    流行病如何改变科学规范 [谷歌翻译版]
  17. Design Principles: An Open Source Collection - (principles.design)
    设计原则:一个开源的集合 [谷歌翻译版]
  18. Eleven proofs of the Gaussian integral [pdf] - (uconn.edu)
    高斯积分的十一个证明[pdf] [谷歌翻译版]
  19. Laion-400M: open-source dataset of 400M image-text pairs - (laion.ai)
    Laion-400M:400M图像-文本对的开源数据集 [谷歌翻译版]
  20. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy reverses hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia - (technology.org)
    高压氧疗法逆转阿尔茨海默病和痴呆症的特征 [谷歌翻译版]
  21. A Simulator of a Universal Turing Machine (2017) - (codeproject.com)
    通用图灵机模拟器(2017年) [谷歌翻译版]
  22. Pinky and the Brain - (fantheories.fandom.com)
    红耳与小聪明 [谷歌翻译版]
  23. Up and Down the Ladder of Abstraction (2011) - (worrydream.com)
    抽象的阶梯上下(2011) [谷歌翻译版]
  24. Hrmpf rescue system, built on Void Linux - (github.com/leahneukirchen)
    Hrmpf救援系统,建立在Void Linux上 [谷歌翻译版]
  25. Has AI found a new foundation? - (thegradient.pub)
    人工智能找到了新的基础吗? [谷歌翻译版]
  26. Minimal APIs at a glance in .NET 6 - (hanselman.com)
    NET 6中的最小API一目了然 [谷歌翻译版]
  27. Scorned wife raids ex-husband’s cryogenics lab, stealing frozen brains - (thesun.co.uk)
    被鄙视的妻子突袭前夫的低温实验室,偷走冰冻的大脑 [谷歌翻译版]
  28. Britain tamed Big Tech and nobody noticed - (wired.co.uk)
    英国驯服了大型科技公司,但没人注意到 [谷歌翻译版]
  29. Estimating the probabilities of causation via deep monotonic twin networks - (arxiv.org)
    利用深单调孪生网络估计因果关系的概率 [谷歌翻译版]
  30. Wireless Charging Power Side-Channel Attacks - (arxiv.org)
    无线充电电源侧信道攻击 [谷歌翻译版]

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本文由 HiCMS 自动编译,最后更新时间:2021-09-13 22:00